Verizon: Remove International Feature

Please use this webform to request the removal of your global feature. The date this is submitted is the date the feature will be removed. This feature isn't covered on an hourly basis and must be removed 24 hours after last global use to avoid charges. Please note that features can only be added and removed during business hours. If you request outside of those hours, it will be completed at first business day following request.

Account holder

Without dashes, please enter the cell phone number(s) that you would like the global feature removed from. Ex: 4021234567

Phone number(s)
more number(s)

The date this is submitted is the date the feature will be removed. Please note that features can only be added or removed during business hours. If you request outside of those hours, it will be completed on the first business day following request.

It has been a full 24 hours since I've used my phone internationally. I understand that if I remove this before the full 24 hours I will be billed high usage charges.