How to transfer your service


Transferring TO Huskertech
From Individual Verizon

1. Visit and click Start a new transfer. You will need to sign in to your MyVerizon account.

2. You'll want to select the line(s) you want to transfer. Then select I want to transfer line(s) to a business account.

3. Input the following information:

First name: Casadi

Last name: Johnson

Business name: University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Email address:

(you can leave the other fields blank)

4. Click Continue.

5. Click Accept & Acknowledge.

6. Finally click Continue one final time to release your line(s).

7. Now you can browse plans and sign up for service here.

From other carrier
  1. The current account holder will need to contact your carrier and request they release your line(s) and provide a transfer PIN.
  2. You will also need the current account number and billing address.
  3. Once your have this information you can browse plans and sign up for service here.

Transferring OFF Huskertech

Click here


Transferring TO Huskertech
From Individual T-Mobile
  1. Ensure you are not currently on a device payment plan.
  2. The current account holder will need to call T-Mobile Customer Care at 1-800-937-8997 to release your line to the University of Nebraska - Lincoln and request they place a memo authorizing a Change of Responsibility (COR).
  3. Once this is complete you can browse plans and sign up for service here.
From other carrier
  1. The current account holder will need to contact your carrier and request they release your line and provide a transfer PIN.
  2. You will also need the current account number and billing address.
  3. Once this is complete you can browse plans and sign up for service here.

Transferring OFF Huskertech

Click here