T-Mobile: New Smartphone Service

To begin service with T-Mobile through UNL please submit the form below. For all transfers please be prepared to provide the account information for your current carrier.

If you would like to transfer an active phone number from a personal T-Mobile account:

  1. Ensure you are not currently on a device payment plan.
  2. Call T-Mobile Customer Care at 1-800-937-8997 to release your line to the University of Nebraska - Lincoln and request they place a memo authorizing a Change of Responsibility (COR).

Sign up processing time will vary depending on whether or not you are transferring a number or ordering a new phone. Please note that any incomplete or incorrect information may also delay the processing time. Once you have submitted this form and agreed to T-Mobile's terms and conditions via DocuSign a Huskertech representative will email you a confirmation of its receipt, as well as any further information we may need to complete the transfer. Plans are subject to change at our discretion and some restrictions may apply. Please note that all device purchases are billed at their discounted price, we are not able to do monthly installments. 

Account Holder Information
New/Existing customer

Please select if you are a new or existing customer with Huskertech. 

This is my first line with Huskertech
I already have service through Huskertech and am just adding an additional line
Campus Affiliation

A department letter stating the length of your appointment at UNL is required for service, please attach here.

One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Billing address
New service

Plan: $35/month (not locked in contract, price is before taxes/surcharges)

New line or transfer existing
Select this to transfer an existing number
Select this to have a new number generated by T-Mobile

Without dashes, please enter the cell phone number that you would like to transfer to the Huskertech T-Mobile account. Ex: 4024725151

Previous carrier
Move authorization
If you haven't already, you will need to release your line by calling T-Mobile Customer Care at 1-800-937-8997. You'll want to tell them you give Move Authorization and your line is moving to a government T-Mobile account.

Typically 4-6 digits long

Account holder address

Please enter the billing address associated with the account through the previous carrier.

I authorize Huskertech to use the information provided above in order to transfer the number/(s) listed above. An account number and pin/password may be required but varies depending on the carrier I am moving from. Pre-paid numbers are not guaranteed to transfer over. If I am currently under contract with my current provider I may be subject to early termination fees and will need to verify with my current provider the fees that may be charged. The number/(s) being transferred cannot be on a device payment plan through my current carrier. The service from the current provider will need to remain active in order for the transfer to complete. I am responsible for providing accurate information for the number transfer. If the information is inaccurate the transfer will not complete. If correct information is not given T-Mobile will change the ported phone number after 30 days to a new number. Billing for this service will begin the day I am notified that the new device has arrived in store even though I may still be using the previous carrier’s service. The phone number/(s) will continue to be active on my old device until the new device is active. The number may take 24-48 hours to fully transfer after the device has been activated. If I am porting a landline it may take 2-10 business days for the transfer to be completed. If a customer owned device is provided the device must be verified with the company I am transferring to and is not guaranteed to be compatible with that service.


The IMEI is a 15-digit number that can be found in your phone's settings. 

SIM card
*Device must be eSIM capable.
Physical SIM
Takes 2-5 business days to ship

The EID is a 32-digit number that can be found in your phone's settings.

Shipping Information

If same as account holder, leave blank

If same as upgrade number, leave blank

Shipping address

Please ensure your address is entered correctly. Huskertech is not responsible for any shipping discrepancies. All phones are shipped through FedEx or UPS and must be signed for at time of delivery. We cannot ship to PO boxes. A $30 shipping fee will be billed for out of state orders.

$30 shipping fee applied