Cellular Number Transfer off UNL

Please use the below form to request to transfer your number from our UNL cellular account to a different cellular provider outside of UNL. Once we receive your request we will email you instructions on how to proceed. Note that filling out this form initiates the process, but the transfer will not complete and billing will not end until you reach out to the new carrier and successfully transfer the line over. Please note these requests will only be valid for 30 days from the date requested. T-Mobile can only be done on the 20th of the month, if that falls on the weekend it will be done the weekday closest to the 20th (18th or 19th) since they won't prorate.

Current account holder
Phone number(s)

Without dashes, please enter the phone number(s) you would like to be released.

New account holder

If the new account will be under a different name, please enter it here. You can leave these fields blank if the line(s) will stay under the current account holder.

Please enter the name of the new carrier you would like to transfer to.

We're sorry to see you go! Please let us know your reason for leaving the Huskertech account.

By filling out this form you are acknowledging that early termination fees may apply and will be billed to your account if your line is not out of contract. You are also acknowledging that this is only initiating the request. Your number(s) will not be transferred off of our account and billing will continue until you complete the transfer process with the new carrier.